Tracking Protocol Status

Assignment of IRB Protocol/ Grant Number

  • After the protocol is submitted to the IRB and accepted by the IRB, an IRB-HSR number will be assigned to all Protocols or Grants that did not receive a UVA Study Tracking Number. If assigned a UVA Study Tracking Number, this number will remain the same. You should use one of these numbers to communicate with the IRB. The letter G is put in front of any number which is for a grant. Protocols do not have a letter in front of the number. Separate IRB numbers are given for grants and protocols.

Obtaining Information from IRB Online

  • You will only be able to view information for studies for which you are listed as a personnel member.  You may obtain information for studies that are active or closed.
  • A large amount of information is available to you regarding your protocols and grants via IRB Online. Some types of information available include
    • current protocol and consent form version dates
    • due dates for continuation status forms over the next year
    • number of subjects you are approved to enroll
    • approval dates
    • personnel listed with IRB for each of your protocols.
    • training status of personnel listed on each of your protocols
    • which grants fund which protocols(if grant approved by the IRB-HSR)
    • and much more!

Obtaining Information from IRB Pro

  • You will only be able to view information for studies for which you are listed as a personnel member.  You may obtain information for studies that are active or closed.
  • IRB Pro provides access to actual study documents such as the protocol, consent form(s), questionnaires, and IRB approval/assurance forms.