The IRB-SBS office is moving to our new space in Carruthers Hall in March.
We do not expect an impact in services regarding IRB reviews.
Please feel free to drop by and say "Hi" to us in April once we get settled in for our new location.
Welcome to the Institutional Review Board
for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (IRB-SBS)
As part of the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) at the University of Virginia, the Institutional Review Board for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (IRB-SBS) is the IRB responsible for reviewing all non-medical behavioral human research (studies which are considered medically non-invasive) for compliance with federally mandated research guidelines. Review of human subject research is required for funded and non-funded research and for research conducted by faculty, students, and all those under the purview of the University of Virginia.
This section covers the basics of the IRB-SBS processes and is a great resource if you are a new researcher at UVA.
Here you will find guidance on the submission processes for your study within the IRB-SBS system iProtocol.
Learn about post-approval study maintenance and end of study requirements to keep your study compliant.
Tools for Study Teams
- Not every project is Human Subject Research. That is why the HRPP created Evaluate My Project, a new non-human subject research determination tool that can be used by all researchers at UVA for both the medical and non-medical sides of the IRB. This new tool will help you to get the formal determination letter that documents IRB oversight is not needed for your project.
- We have updated our website per your feedback from 2024! Check out our 5-minute Introduction video here. Our site has a new mobile friendly format to help you browse with your phone.
- Suggestion Box: Share your thoughts on what you like or any feedback for improvements with us here. Your ideas will help us to shape future plans for UVA's Human Research Protection Program. Note, for urgent maters, please see the Compliance Helpline.
- Huron's IRB System Demonstration video is now available (behind Netbadge). Please share your thoughts with us as we consider this system while making future plans for UVA's Human Research Protection Program.
- Generative AI Notice: If you are using an artificial intelligence system (Chat GPT, Copilot, Gemini, Claude, etc.) for any purpose in your human subject research study (i.e. development, conduct, analysis or publication) then tell the IRB. This plan for the study must be approved by the IRB prior to implementation. Information on Generative AI Tools can be found on the UVA Information Technology Services website.
- International Research: Doing an international study? Check out our International Research Data Source question in iProtocol as well as updated guidance on the GDPR and a new GDPR Informed Consent Addendum.
- iProtocol has two sections related to multi-institutional research: IRB of Record (non-UVA Institution) & Non-UVA Institutions (in the United States)